New ILFN-Study and testimony by Jutta Reichardt

von übertragen – dort veröffentlicht am 10.10.2014

Low-frequency sound affects active micromechanics in the human inner ear

Kathrin Kugler, Lutz Wiegrebe, Benedikt Grothe, Manfred Kössl, Robert Gürkov, Eike Krause, Markus Drexl

DOI: 10.1098/rsos.140166

Published 1 October 2014


Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common auditory pathologies, resulting from overstimulation of the human cochlea, an exquisitely sensitive micromechanical device. At very low frequencies (less than 250 Hz), however, the sensitivity of human hearing, and therefore the perceived loudness is poor. The perceived loudness is mediated by the inner hair cells of the cochlea which are driven very inadequately at low frequencies. To assess the impact of low-frequency (LF) sound, we exploited a by-product of the active amplification of sound outer hair cells (OHCs) perform, so-called spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. These are faint sounds produced by the inner ear that can be used to detect changes of cochlear physiology. We show that a short exposure to perceptually unobtrusive, LF sounds significantly affects OHCs: a 90 s, 80 dB(A) LF sound induced slow, concordant and positively correlated frequency and level oscillations of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions that lasted for about 2 min after LF sound offset. LF sounds, contrary to their unobtrusive perception, strongly stimulate the human cochlea and affect amplification processes in the most sensitive and important frequency range of human hearing.


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Hearing damage, wind turbines and ILFN
(Infrasound & Low Frequency Noise)
Testimony by Jutta Reichardt, from Germany
(and our comments at the end)

Please allow me to share my experiences of hearing loss living in the neighbourhood of wind turbines:
1995 – commissioning of the wind turbines in 320-450 m from our house.

Autumn/Winter 1995-96 – First hearing problems:

  • Noise and a feeling of cotton wool in the left ear with the consequence restricted hearing. Medical Examination: No infection, no inflammation.
  • First noted in the course of the blood sample: highly elevated AP values ​​(alkaline phosphatase).

The above-mentioned Problems stopped at 1.5 years. They have been replaced by increasing tinnitus sounds (3 different. Pitched noise, a deeper growl, and after about 8 years, a so-called a banging noise was added, according to the pulses when the blades pass the tower.

Dizziness and nausea, as well as significant sleep disturbances accompanied as early as 1996, the hearing problems, later rising blood pressure, heart palpitations, chest pressure were added to.

2002 – 2006 – Increasing difficulties in the profession because of decreasing hearing ability and aggravation of the balance disorder. Loss of job in 2006.

2006 – Inevitable loss of freelance occupational activities (choreography and facilitation), which required a very good hearing.
2013 – 2 acute hearing losses within 5 weeks, a third five months later, further decrease of the hearing.
2014 – 4th sudden hearing loss with loss of hearing in the left ear. Prescription of a hearing aid in July.
During the nearly 20-year duration of exposure was noted that the above Symptoms during prolonged absences from home after at least 3 days to one week slowly improved, eg Insomnia, dizziness and nausea.
Some such as chest pressure, high blood pressure fluctuations, palpitations were completely disappeared after 3 weeks. The tinnitus sounds and hearing problems remain, but enter slightly in the background.

Jutta Reichardt



Jutta has been operated twice of cancerigenous tumors. Other windfarm victims have been affected likewise. How do we know that these hearing losses and cancers were caused by ILFN emitted by wind turbines nearby? We don’t for sure. But the onus is on the manufacturer to prove that its machines are safe, that they don’t emit dangerous ILFN. Equally, the onus is on governments to commission epidemiological studies when windfarm neighbours complain of remarkably similar symptoms across a whole nation.
But governments refuse to investigate ILFN emitted by wind turbines, for fear of hurting… the wind industry. Indeed, finding that wind turbines emit health-damaging ILFN up to 10 km or more would kill the wind industry, along with its financial contributions and donations which buy considerable support in political, ecological and media circles. One example: in Oklahoma City alone, the wind industry is reported to maintain 10 lobbyists.

This is basically why the Kelley-NASA research of 1985-87 was shelved. No official studies on ILFN emitted by wind turbines were made ever since.

In other words: a major product (wind turbine) has been launched without an independent study being made about its safety. This is, in essence, criminal, because the responsible authorities are endangering the population knowingly by failing their duty. Sooner or later, responsibilities will be sought for that. There is also the issue of experimenting with the health of people without their consent. Rural people around the world are effectively being treated like guinea pigs. There is NO research which establishes what the limits are for long term chronic exposure. We do know, however what chronic sleep deprivation and chronic stress do to people, and there is evidence of the harm done, via the Vibro Acoustic Disease, by chronic exposure to wind turbines. A Portuguese court recognised it, and had four wind turbines dismantled.

There is, finally, the issue of torture. If wind turbines are causing chronic sleep deprivation (which they do) AND sleep deprivation is acknowledged as a method of torture (which it is), then governments are allowing torture to occur. Criminal penalites SHALL apply for those public officials responsible for allowing torture to continue.

All the suffering caused by wind turbines is no trivial matter. The day is approaching when elected officials and other decision makers will be asked to face their responsibilities, civil and criminal.

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